Yerel Saat: 13:58

Ölüdeniz Mah. Ölüdeniz Cad. Zeytinlik Küme Evleri Sok.No.1 Ölüdeniz - Fethiye / Muğla


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Cable car service to the peak of Babadag.

Cable car service to the peak of Babadag.

The main station of the cable car is 300 meters away from Villa Symbola. It was opened at the beginning of the 2021 season which  carry  the visitors to the peak of Babadağ.

Over the peak, you can see Ölüdeniz lagoon, Belcekiz beach, Fethiye harbor and even the island of Rhodes panoramically.

Up above, there are sitting areas, restaurants and cafes for the visitors.
The opening of the cable car has brought an additional movement to the tourism of the region.

The main station of the cable car is 300 meters away from Villa Symbola, which was established to see the whole of Ölüdeniz lagoon, Belcekız bay, Fethiye gulf, even Rhodes island in a panoramic view from Babadağ summit and to carry those who come to the top with parachute jumping and opened at the beginning of the 2021 season.

It is 300 meters from Villa Symbola, the main station of the cable car, which was established to see the whole of Ölüdeniz, Belcekız cove, Fethiye gulf, even Rhodes island in a panoramic view to Babadağ summit and to carry those who come to the top with parachute jumping and opened at the beginning of the 2021 season.
Ölüdeniz'in tamamını, Belcekız koyu, Fethiye körfezi hatta Rodos adasını panoramik bir şekilde görmek ve gelenleri de Babadağ zirvesine taşımak için kurulan teleferiğin ana istasyonu Villa Symbola'ya 300 metre mesafededir. paraşütle atlama ile üst ve 2021 sezonunun başında açıldı.
Babadag summit and all you Oludeniz, Belcekiz dark, Fethiye Gulf, and even see the panoramic including the island of Rhodes, both established to move the summit from parachuting and 2021 season early drop cable car base station Villa Symbola 300 mt away.
Babadağ zirvesi ve tüm Ölüdeniz, Belcekız karanlık, Fethiye Körfezi ve hatta Rodos adasını da içeren panoramik manzaraları, hem paraşütle zirveye taşımak için kurulmuş hem de 2021 sezonu erken açılan teleferik baz istasyonu Villa Symbola Villa Symbola'ya 300 mt uzaklıktadır.
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Very nice sitting areas, restaurants and cafes are also available at the summit.

Very nice sitting areas, restaurants and cafes are also available at the summit.
Zirvede çok güzel oturma alanları, restoranlar ve kafeler de mevcut.
very nice seating areas at the summit serves as restaurants and cafes.
zirvede çok güzel oturma alanları restoran ve kafe olarak hizmet veriyor.
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The opening of the cable car has brought an additional movement to the tourism of the region.

The opening of the cable car has brought an additional movement to the tourism of the region.
Teleferiğin hizmete açılması bölge turizmine ek bir hareket getirdi.
The opening of the cable car service to local tourism has brought a further action.
Teleferik hizmetinin yerel turizme açılması bir hareket daha getirdi.
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